VisualV Trading Software and Indicators.


Alerts are marked with a "V" and the application shows the target in green, the stop in red with price cursors. The orange cursors are user definable areas or movement against the direction of the alert, in this case, 38.2 and 61.8% retracements. Other lines drawn on the chart are for determining if the alert meets the rules by which we trade. Tabs change color to indicate if you are: in a trade, have a limit order place but not filled, EOS is near, etc.


All of the information you need to trade profitably is available on the chart. You have bid/ask prices and volume, Reward to Risk, maximum risk / contract, end of session times so you can get out of a trade before the market closes, etc.

There are multiple ways to enter a trade. You may just click on the button on the left upper corner to enter a trade at the market, or you may right click on the chart and put in limit orders to enter above/below the market price and target and stop orders are placed once the trade is entered. You can move the targets and stop at your discretion. The target can also be a percentage of the 100 percent target if you wish.

You can trade one account, or multiple accounts with VisualVTrader and determine the number of contracts to trade, or have the program automatically calculate the number of contracts based on account size and a maximum percentage risk.

Historical data can also be monitored to allow adjustment of targets, minimum pre-straight lengths, maximum retracements, etc.

Don't like a black background or can't see green because your visually challenged? Then you can change that as well.

It's all there!


There are many indicators (see INDICATORS button) available which show trend based on the chart data, trends based on higher time frame chart data without the need for additional charts, divergence, retracement divergence, etc.

Already developed but not released is an automated trading application that utilizes the consolitrader indicator for entering and exiting trades.